Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 08.15.23

By RBN August 15, 2023 15:01

Ron talked about the latest news that Trump has been indicted again with 30 new counts in Georgia along with 18 others for mostly dealing with conspiracy and racketeering to overthrow the 2020 election of Biden. Ron also played a video he found on RBN with Jerry Day from with the title “Do you know when you are being attacked.” Ron liked it but also restated it in a more correct way revealed under the principles of property. Ron said we must stop using the speech that tyrants want us to use. We are not in debt. Our nation is dissolved right along with the constitution of it. And those in office are by necessity tyrants and those seeking dissolved offices will have no other option but to be tyrants. And much of the world is in the same condition. Dissolved nations are being managed by a global bankarchy. And we should never get involved in foreign wars as we can’t know who is most lawful and why would we when our own nation is dissolved. We should obtain lawful government at home before we look around the world. Ron refuses to be captivated by the mistreatment or justice being applied to Trump. Ron claims all the Presidential candidates no nothing about lawful government. Lark and James called in with supportive and insightful comments. Ron will look up the architect Christopher Alexander and that land with a flat fixed tax rate.

By RBN August 15, 2023 15:01
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