Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 08.29.23

By RBN August 29, 2023 15:10

Ron was joined by Laurence Cumbie or “Lark in Texas” as a co-host and they talked about Operation Covid-19 as the worst attack on the body of Christ or the universal church and humanity ever commenced. And this global banking cartel attack should be resisted by the universal church of Christ Jesus in every nation on earth. And the lockdowns, which make this Operation Covid-19 a terrorist attack, as it uses harm to coerce people to take the Covid-19 injections, should be resisted equally. For more information see
Lark added that this was also part of the “BioDigital Convergence” and he suggested listeners search that phrase. This was number one at the Canadian government webpage:
Lark also stated that that Operation Covid-19 is part of the depopulation program of Eugenicists or what is now called “Gene Editing or Editors.”
Lark and Ron agreed that the target of all the globalist operations is to enslave mankind by depriving them of property or even the notion that they own property naturally. At the center of all the attacks is your property consisting of life, liberty and possessions. They have already unlawfully aliened our unalienable property so that we rent our homes, businesses, tools, and products and charge us an annual rent to possess and occupy them. And all of that is unlawful in every state of the union:
Lark also cautioned the listeners to be aware of how these communitarians pervert the language to obtain their wicked goals against your property:
Lark also supplies us with three names which we should all become familiar with:
We will cover more of this on future shows and feel free to call in.

By RBN August 29, 2023 15:10
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