Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.01.22

By RBN September 1, 2022 15:00

Ron talks about the purpose of “Operation Covid-19.” It’s to scare the population into thinking that those who do not take the “vaccine” are a threat to society including themselves. But Ron shows that it is impossible that natural man (created in the image of God to live in the world created by God for natural man) to be a threat to society. What this really means is that society, as it is being directed by and for the global bankers, is a threat to the Kingdom of God. Ron then shows that the only way to combat this Satanic antichrist agenda is to take up the rod of iron to dash the nations to shivers that Christ promised the churches if they keep the works of Christ. (Rev. 2:26-29). The purpose of the injection program is to create confusion over how many Covid shots one has had to be safe to society and its doors opened to them. The argument will be made and accepted by the mass media cartel that all need a vaccination chip that records all shots and boosters to be read with scanners at doorways to prove they are not a threat to society. Then, of course, all can easily be rewarded with digital compliance currency as well. But if we keep the works of Christ in his death, resurrection and ascension, we can resist successfully this unlawful Satanic injection, chipping, and currency agenda. But before anyone can keep the works of Christ they must obtain for themselves the same works of Christ, meaning they must experience the death, resurrection and ascension.

By RBN September 1, 2022 15:00
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