Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.02.21

By RBN September 2, 2021 15:07

Ron played the sound to a video of a demonstration in Kelowna, BC Canada in support of a walk out of nurses from a hospital requiring them to take a vaccine or be fired. There were people everywhere and making lots of noise even in front of City Hall. Ron said he had lived there and that his family owned a vineyard there where he worked. They sold their place to the developer of Summerhill Pyramid Winery that is there now.
Ron asked the question: What will it take to mobilize Americans against Covid state tyranny and terrorism? Ron said the solution of most Americans is “I will just quit or get the shot.” No! The answer is: I will stand up and organize my neighbors against Covid state tyranny and terrorism until we are free! The real solution is to stop the vaccine passports and the vaccines themselves because the mandates are unlawful and because the “vaccines” don’t work and are making more severe and more harmful infections.
Ron compared Covid 19 to 9/11 saying they both used high technology to kill US citizens. And both subjugate all the people. One makes all people sick unless they have a vaccination card. And the other makes all people potential terrorists until proven otherwise.
Ron tried to show that the answers to our present state tyranny and terrorism is found in Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution of 1876. If our governments will not conform to our authority in each individual it is time to declare it dissolved and abolished and create one that will. We have an inalienable right to do that and our governments must respect that.
Edward, Kathleen and Andrea called in and contributed to the show. All were concerned about the departure of our governments from the law of the land. Ron appreciates all callers.

By RBN September 2, 2021 15:07

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