Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.14.21

By RBN September 14, 2021 14:59

Ron reads a letter he wrote to Biden illustrating why the Covid-19 Mandates are tyrannous and those who impose them are tyrants. Ron announced that Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth was removed from being CEO of the Board of Directors and no longer is paid by AE911Truth. Ron will explain what happened on his next show.
Mark Anderson joined the show and quoted several statements made by reporters on the topic of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 that illustrate how the mass media cartel and aspiring writers create visions of reality that are actually groundless and false. Apparently there is a vast hoard of people willing to do that kind of “reporting” to climb the ladder of
modern “journalism.”
Mike and David called in to give us their take on “cells” in our nation and the mass media cartel.
Mark will have a guest on his “Stop The Presses” show tomorrow that will talk about the fact that the Canadians now admit that Covid-19 has never been isolated.

By RBN September 14, 2021 14:59

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