Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.23.21

By RBN September 23, 2021 14:59

Ron gave examples of how we have become captives of a dissolved unlawful tyrannical government run by a banking and mass media cartel that are connected. He said all our institutions and professions have become corrupted and act as pimps and whores including architects and engineers by 9/11 and the medical profession by Covid-19 and the courts by Sandy Hook. He said it is time to pray for our enemies that they repent and free themselves from the entanglements of the world and let Christ Jesus take them to the Kingdom of Heaven. He also read four scriptures showing that Christians should beware of dogs and evil doers and of the concision or those who trust in the flesh or their blood line rather than Christ Jesus (namely, those who call themselves Jews but deny Christ Jesus). He compared the devil that walks around like a roaring lion to the mass media cartel that devours those he can and that we should resist that and know our brothers are under the same affliction. He then pleaded for donations for Dr. James Fetzer as one that is being crushed to maintain the mass media cartel narrative on Sandy Hook and how he has been cut off from a means of receiving money from the internet like an electric company that cuts off your power because of your beliefs and declarations. What a beautiful day to see and feel this much trouble in the world but we have the answer if we proclaim the King of kings who has all power in heaven and earth.

By RBN September 23, 2021 14:59

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