Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.28.23

By RBN September 28, 2023 16:19

Ron explained why Premillennialism is a heresy that has not only made the modern church impotent in the face of tyranny but also has let Satan out of the pit to go back to deceiving the nations as he had done prior to being bound in the pit for a 1000 year period. Ron used Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas Texas as an example of Premillennialism and played some more of the Tuesday video soundtrack. The video channel had been deleted since Tuesday, but Ron found another audio version and played it. The title of the two part lesson was “The Coming Kingdom” which gives it away as bad theology. Ron showed the scriptures that proved the premillennial view of a coming Kingdom cannot exist as it violates scripture and common sense logic. Ron also showed that it is not the so-called dominionist or reconstructionist or postmillennialists that are new comers to Christianity but premillennial Kingdom deniers who got their start only 200 years ago with Manuel De Lacunza
( ) and was spread through England by John Nelson Darby and finally it came to America and became mainstream with John Hagee at the top. A full explanation of that heresy and its impact in the world and the church can be found at the link provided.

Pathway to Victory on – The Coming Kingdom Part 1 – YouTube

By RBN September 28, 2023 16:19
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  1. bob88 September 28, 17:53

    We’ve seen the banker infiltrate and hide behind the GOP, until the GOP is just another front for the banker. All the crimes that have been attributed to “freemasons” where actually the banker behind the freemasons, The crimes of “america” is actually the banker that runs New York. And it has VERY DELIBERATELY, infiltrated and hiding behind the Vatican and false Christians. Whats the GOP except a Christian false flag. We have to start being discerning about “Christians”, what could be more offensive then lying about that.

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  2. bob88 September 28, 18:36

    “Its like breaking into your house…” We dont own the house. Unless you’re going to take the blame for what you’ve done to it yourself. Send them to New york. IF NEW YORK DIDN’T LIKE IT, they wouldn’t do it. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, between the victim of a crime, and PLAYING VICTIM, about YOUR OWN crimes, WHILE you’re committing them yourself. Thats a jews trick.

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  3. bob88 September 28, 18:42

    “The president of the united states cannot tell the governor of Texas…” Abott is a puppet regime. He’s working for the jews. We’ve got pictures of him posing in his wheelchair wearing an honorary yamulka. A LOT of Texas, are jew conspirators. Look at dan crenshaw. LAWS, are only as good as who’s enforcing them. All the best laws in the world, are only as good as a dirty cop.

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  4. bob88 September 28, 19:12

    “Well what about this California, or this arizona…” Like you just said, they just voted for a new governor, who WANTS open borders. We have to stop telling other people what to do in THEIR OWN TERRITORIES, ecause YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THAT. THEY VOTED FOR IT THEMSELVES, the same as New york. What WE have to do, is UNBIND OURSELVES, from OTHER PEOPLES DECISIONS. If you have no control over what somebody else does in their own territory, theres no reason we should get any bill or responsibility for what somebody does in their own territory. What is it that you need so bad from new york and the federal government? And then REPLACE IT, AND LIVE WITHOUT IT!

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  5. MaxxNY September 29, 04:45

    It doesn’t matter if you have articles of confederation or a constitution because it’s the lawyers of the bar mitzvah Association that script the law that circumnavigate the Constitution. They will talk about the Constitution and things being unconstitutional while breaking the Constitution themselves. Technically any Constitution went right out the window with the Federal reserve. That’s where you get all your attorneys and the Bar Association which is a closed loop of legal engrossment. So now you have all these bar lawyers and judges controlling everything. Many times without jury oversight. When you hire a lawyer the court considers you non-compos mentis. Which means all the politicians that are lawyers are ruling over a population that are wards of the Court which is exactly where the Jews want the gentiles. The Jews want to supplant the Christ.

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