Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.05.23

By RBN October 5, 2023 15:33

Ron discussed a BBC article entitled “Five things to know about Trump’s New York fraud trial.”
The prosecutors are asking that Trump be banned from doing business in New York which would prise Trump Tower and the rest of his holdings from his grasp. Ron questioned how a judge would have authority to grant such a thing and where would he get such authority if he had it?
Ron said New York is the city of crime and corruption and they are going to ban Donald Trump from it? That would be a compliment to Trump and his family.
Ron also talked about the “school store” commercial scheme to sell products and raise money for public schools. He read emails he sent to the principal regarding the use of such a peer pressure based child humiliation scheme to raise money. He also showed how public education is already funded property taxes unlawful in every state of the union and how that funding destroys the purpose of public education.
Mike from KY, Steve from CO, and Rick from AZ called to provide good information. Steve said to look at 1st responders Media for live coverage of the locked wide open southern border.

By RBN October 5, 2023 15:33
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  1. bob88 October 5, 21:38

    “…how a judge would have authority to grant such a thing…” the jew figured out, that a hosts cultures law is only as good as anybody enforcing it. The international jew, is not OF any host culture, and feels no personal allegiance to anybody’s laws, thats why it acts that way. So all it has to do, is own its own New York judges, new York irish cops, the BBC and the GOP, and who’s going to stop the jew from saying or doing anything it wants? donald trump? We already tried that, they own donald trump too.

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