Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.21.23

By RBN November 21, 2023 15:01

Ron talked about five news stories related to Israel. One was Israel wanting to raise awareness about what happened on 10/7. Wow! The global mass media cartel owned by those who alien themselves with Israel have been unsuccessful at pounding that theme into the minds of earthlings! Now they need to project pictures of the hostages hundreds of feet high and wide on the exterior of skyscrapers:
Then Ron talked about Franklin Graham’s meeting with Netanyahu and Graham’s prayers for Israel and how Evangelicalism is the heresy of Premillennialism that goes along to get along rather than spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of God on earth. It can’t be Evangelical just as you can be Jewish and reject Christ Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
And last Ron talked about the inevitable break in the mass media cartel narrative about the 10/7 attack on the Israeli Supernova Nature Festival dance being executed by Israeli helicopters firing, supposedly, at Hamas.
Leila and Dan called to give insights into those ideas and stories. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! RBN will be closed on Thursday.

By RBN November 21, 2023 15:01
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  1. bob88 November 23, 03:26

    I dont believe that there was any jew disco dance massacre.Patrick Slattery said that the alleged timing was 4 in the morning, there’s no dance party in the middle of the desert at 4 in the morning. All the alleged footage was all burned up bodies, why would anybody burn the body? Except to disguise that it was a rubber body. And NOW trying to pin this media stunt on the israeli military, is a secondary attempt to make us think that there is more then one kind of jew. So that a jew playing fake peace-nick can be allowed to hide behind you. But there are not different kinds of jews. Its all of them. If there were different kinds of jews, we would have heard about it for the last 2000 years before now,

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