Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 12.06.22

By RBN December 6, 2022 14:59

Ron reported that Dr. James H. Fetzer had his Petition for Rehearing denied today in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Ron played the first five minutes of two oral arguments that were heard yesterday in the said court. One was about the rights of sodomites on wedding announcement platforms that create art work for those who want to use the platform. The second case was regarding a contract where the assignee of a mall lease was not as financially healthy as the original lessee. Now how many people are impacted by these two cases? How is the second case even a federal issue? Ron then read the question Dr. Fetzer asked the SCOTUS which showed how much better his case was for the nation then those two cases. Ron also read the difference between lawful summary judgments and Wisconsin’s summary judgments. Ron’s conclusion was that the judicial rape of Dr. Fetzer from a Wisconsin circuit to the highest court in the land is the strongest proof to date that Sandy Hook did not happen. And the fact that no trial by jury has been held on any of the trials stemming from the “Sandy Hook Mass Shooting” to his knowledge is simply more evidence that the nation is dissolved and trying to defend itself from the people who want lawful government. James from Vancouver and Lark from Texas called in with good points. See the False Flags and Conspiracies Virtual Conference with 26 presentations at:

By RBN December 6, 2022 14:59
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