Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 12.29.22

By RBN December 29, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about what he wanted all his listeners to obtain from the past year’s shows, which is that we live under dissolved state and federal governments as they have altered their constitutional provisions by law without amendment or approval of the people and they are not enforcing the laws on the border and that is dissolution. The dissolved governments are also imposing tyrannical programs like Covid-19 lockdowns. And Ron wants all to know that they cannot be revolutionaries as the nation and states thereof have already been overthrown and you cannot be insurgents or rebels under dissolved nations or states. The only thing we can do is create lawful government in its absence which is our God given right. He especially spoke against the ideas of secession and breaking contracts or altering “citizenships” as they are ineffective against tyranny and they philosophically and morally work against those who employ such ideas and he explained why that is. At the bottom of the hour David from MA called and they both talked about their past and others they have known. Ron wished all a Happy New Year and success in dealing with tyranny.

To read the Notice of Dissolution I sent all U.S. Senators years ago:

By RBN December 29, 2022 14:59
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