Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, December 15, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN December 15, 2023 17:26

Ron reviewed the 5 part plan of Israel for ruling Gaza after they complete its destruction. This 5 part plan was in an article written by Danny Danon, senior member of the Likud party in Israel’s Knesset published 9 hrs before the show:

He then applied the principles of property that regulate every aspect of lawful government promulgated by John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government published in 1689. The said principles showed that Israel has no right to rule Gaza in any way nor to destroy the property of the people as they have done. Presuming that Israel is a lawful conqueror, just for the sake of argument, the principles still show that Israel has no right to take or control the property of those who actually participated in the so-called attack of 10/7 other than for reparations. And Israel has no right over the property of those Gazans who did not participate in the harm done on 10/7. Israel has no right to rule the people of Gaza or to occupy it and their proposed 5 part plan is unlawful under the civilized principles of property that form the foundation of the United States of America:

By RBN December 15, 2023 17:26
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1 Comment

  1. Ron Avery December 16, 13:47

    I recommend listeners send a link to this show to their so-called “representatives” proving that the United States and all Christian Nations should not back the war in Gaza.

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