Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, January 24, 2025 Hour 1

By RBN January 24, 2025 17:19

Ron showed once again that it is the New Testament that proves those in the unlawful antichrist “state of Israel” are not the heirs of Abraham or of the promised land. Trying to prove the same by blood line and origin are worthless and do not address the nature of what constitutes a Jew.
Ron read the article he was sent and then responded to it:
James of Vancouver called and they discussed the rise of the “state of Israel” being a Synagogan design to rule the world with the help of the church or a secular desire to project power into the Middle East by others with other interests. John from CO called and they talked about the origin of the “state of Israel” being the efforts of Rothschild. Kathleen from TX called and said she was praying for Ron’s surgery and recovery. Ron explained the situation and thanked her for her prayers. Ron also asked the listeners to pray for the repentance of both the synagogue and the church so both can get into the existing Kingdom of God or heaven on earth at this time. Kevin from GA called with two other distractions; “the rapture” and the “big bang.” Ron promoted his books found at:

By RBN January 24, 2025 17:19
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