Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, May 10, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN May 10, 2024 17:10

Ron spoke on the church neglect of celebrating the Ascension of Christ Jesus to create the Kingdom of God or Heaven on earth. He said when that went so did the death and resurrection for without ascension Jesus would be walking around among us today. At the end he asked his church attending listeners to call in a tell him how many heard about the ascension or Mother’s Day. He also talked about a video he made last year concerning the importance of Ascension:
Ron went to several church websites looking for upcoming celebrations of the ascension and could find none or even the mentioning of that event. He did find something on the Ideal Woman and Oppression of Women and training for the transformed heart:
Then he read part of an article by a rabbi about protestors being indulged on college campuses:
Then Ron discussed Robert Kraft the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots and his campaign against the so-called rise in antisemitism with John from CO.:
Mike from KY also called in with supportive comments.

By RBN May 10, 2024 17:10
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