Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, October 18, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN October 18, 2024 18:06

Ron talked about all the frustration out there and in himself about what is going on in the Middle East and the Ukraine and in the US. He said he got an email from an RBN listener expressing frustration with those who blame the illegal alien for coming to the US instead of those in our nation that keep the borders open and others who create the need for coming to the US. Ron said no illegal alien can open our borders but rather only those who want a borderless world and have power to make it happen within our nation.
Ron hoped that what he said today would give people more peace about who we are and what the church should be and that should be good stewards of the Kingdom of God on earth. And that does not translate to building a borderless world but rather a peaceful world which Lark in Texas pointed out. Ron read a bit of a sermon from the 1750’s showing that Christians of that age were postmillennial and perceived of the Kingdom of God being already established in the world which is not perceived today by the premillennial church or Evangelical church. And for this reason, the church has become impotent and allowed Satan to escape the pit and go back to deceiving the nations as he did before he was bound in the pit for 1000 years. Lynn from MD called in and thanked Ron for his show topic and they talked about the release of Satan from the pit. Then Lark called in and wanted Ron to go to Facebook and read Lark’s post about the Union Jack document and comment on it. Then Mer called in with additional information about the Union Jack and other things Lark mentioned.

By RBN October 18, 2024 18:06
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