Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, October 25, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN October 25, 2024 17:20

Ron talked about the distractionary effect of presidential elections that take all the time, energy and resources of the people every four years. This was not intended by the founders.
He also talked about how mass media cartel anchors should interview those who characterize their opponents as “threats to our democracy” and “fascists” and “Nazis.” Ron thought that the anchors should ask the guest for their definition of those terms and then ask for evidence to support their accusations. But the MMC simply lets the issue drift without definition or evidence. Ron thinks that is intentional just to maintain the fury, passion and distraction.
Then Ron played a lot of Donald Trump’s speech at the Austin Airport made today and livestreamed by KVUE in association with others:
Ron read a bit from this article he quickly found concerning the mistaken belief that democracy is good and should be preserved:
Kathleen from TX called and asked Ron about his medical situation and said she has him in her prayers and Ron thanked her much for that!

By RBN October 25, 2024 17:20
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