STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 03.21.22

By RBN March 21, 2022 15:04

WHO IS THE REAL “ENEMY?” Today host Mark Anderson and assistant commentator Ron Avery explore a vexing fundamental question: What real enemies can the American people really claim to have abroad when the elite, oligarchy that runs the U.S. from behind the throne is, by definition, the ultimate and only real, ever-present adversary? And since that adversary over the decades has unlawfully committed the American taxpayer and his original republic to entangling “combinations,” or “clubs,” such as NATO and the UN, that means that both UN-authorized military missions and missions where the UN might assume direct command of U.S. armed forces (and require the soldiers to wear the familiar “UN blue” insignia, berets and other UN-indentifying features) are equally objectionable. Recently, Anderson welcomed to the show Daniel New, the father of Michael New who refused to serve under direct UN command in 1995; the News have carried out a sustained, laudable and vitally important effort to expose and challenge UN hegemony. Today’s show simply takes the matter a step further to discern what this all means in terms of how individual nations have been sold out by transnational, monopoly-capitalist banking and intelligence interests that managed to overthrow functioning nation states and cage them in bureaucratic holding pens like the EU and transgenerational supranational military commitments such as NATO wherein an attack on one is automatically assumed to be an attack on all, regardless of the constitutionality of whatever actions the U.S. might take as part of NATO’s military response to the attack. (NATO of course pledged upon its creation in 1949 to operate according to UN policies and principles, all of which is inimical to the U.S. republic model from the get-go). Today’s show includes showing NATO and UN documents via the video simulcast at

By RBN March 21, 2022 15:04

Show Hosts