STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 05.12.21

By RBN May 12, 2021 14:59

IS THERE A ‘MAOIST’ PHILOSOPHY BEHIND THE COVID REGIME? Host Mark Anderson, accompanied by Ron Avery, who video simulcasted today’s show to, explores that question, amid other perspectives on the manner in which the Covid-19 specter is, bottom line, a ruse or vastly inflated scenario simply to get everyone to surrender their rights without much of a need for “FEMA Camps” or other more coercive measures. In the first segment, an audio clip of part of a FDA press conference justifying giving the Covid “vaccines” to people as young as 12, is played and rebutted. Callers in the second half round out today’s show. Friday’s show likely will be a re-broadcast, but Monday, May 17, Justin Walker of the UK will return to discuss the unique ways he is fighting to uphold lawful government in his nation.

By RBN May 12, 2021 14:59

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