STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 08.12.22

By RBN August 12, 2022 14:59

Stop the Presses was hosted by Ron Avery, of Search for Lawful Government, today filling in for Mark Anderson who will be out for another 3 weeks or so doing some heavy lifting for others. Ron read the law concerning illegal aliens and showed that these laws were not being enforced by the state or federal government proving both of them are dissolved. The only laws enforced are the ones against the citizens. He also showed how the mass media is a cartel by all using the term “undocumented migrants” instead of illegal aliens. A sign of dissolved government is the non-enforcement of laws that protect the citizen and their property. You can read the laws and penalties against illegal aliens and those who aid them in any way at
Then he talked about the worthless debate coming up between Robert Francis (Beto) O’Rourke and Greg Abbott. Ron talked about how absurd for Texas to bus illegal aliens deep into America. WRONG WAY STUPID! They should pay their fines and do their jail time building and maintaining the border wall. I think if we see something we should say something to law enforcement about illegal aliens and those here that help them.

By RBN August 12, 2022 14:59

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