The Concord Lantern with Maggie Rose, March 25, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN March 25, 2024 17:14

Jeff Slowek Fortitude Ranch/Nevada is Guest with Maggie Rose and cohost Chris Brumbles or 484-893-9496- What is a “Fortitude Ranch” and where they are located throughout USA-What are the different types of Collapse’s what should one prepare for…either Bugging in or Bugging out? Pro’s and Cons How can ordinary citizens prepare for Local, Regional or Nations collapse? Historical Examples. What are likely scenarios in the next 5-25 years?

By RBN March 25, 2024 17:14
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1 Comment

  1. kati March 26, 10:00

    the guest needs to read a bit more in the history books, he said the ukraine famine targeted jews in their ghettos? what a bogus, misinfo, no the rual white slavs where the once whho starved and it was done by bolshevik jews.

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