The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof 10.13.23

By RBN October 13, 2023 15:15
By RBN October 13, 2023 15:15
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  1. Edward October 14, 13:21

    Mark Dankof runs a tight ship. Plenty of information. Yes Mark, we are all fed up with Bobby Jr. He should perhaps just go away.

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    • Birhan Dargey October 15, 19:53

      The HAMAS break into Israel was an INSIDE job according to Israeli former Military, Rabbis, …This WAR to genoide beingg carry out at the expense of the LITTLE jews in Israel..sadly the other Arab Countries failed to break all realations with Israel.

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  2. bob88 October 14, 13:45

    Stooges, never have a reason to “go away”, because they’re being paid to stand there and misdirect in the place. Thats why the GOP cant stop smirking, they still get a cut, from the jew, just to keep anybody else out.

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  3. bob88 October 14, 14:36

    “Scofield bible is to blame as much as theodore hertzle” Its very much my position, that the CONSPIRATOR to jewish crime, gets even more blame for jewish crime, then jews. Thats who carries the weight for it. Thats who’s doing all the murdering and the killing, while the jew hangs back and counts the money. Let alone do we have to ALSO punish the conspirator, but maybe thats where we should START!

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