The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof 11.11.22

By RBN November 11, 2022 14:59
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  1. Cornfused November 11, 22:39

    Mark, as a fellow Christian, I respect your insight and information you bring to your program. Look forward to listening to you every Friday on RBN.

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  2. bill mcwilliams December 16, 19:44

    If the wealthy class wanted to stop the invasion, it would happen. Too many folks want new customers, new tenants, cheap labor etc.

    The invasion will continue. The rich reap the benefits
    while safely in their gated enclaves. Joe Blow loses.

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  3. Boxwood tree April 21, 15:17

    Mark Dankof, I agree with you 100%. I wish I was computer literate to keep up with all of this but alas. I wish to comment though that in the Douay Rheims Bible in the footnotes about Armagedon it says, Armagedon, in other words hill of robbers. It sounds to me like the battle of Armagedon is an economic/financial/monetary war that is being fought right now.

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  4. July Hunter November 19, 17:49

    I know you saw it ! It still stands.

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    • Judas December 23, 22:27

      Destruction of the idea of family, progress toward all things unnatural. Ship of fools sailing dreams away, replacing with nightmares for every soul.
      This world is not for us, this is where we find the light within ourselves, made better each day in sacrifice and humility. Sacrosanct are the children.

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  5. RichardC December 15, 08:03

    For my analysis of the rise and fall of the Anglo-American-Zionist-NATO Empire, please see my new book, “Our Country, Then and Now,” Clarity Press, Richard C. Cook

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  6. M. Harrison January 30, 09:37

    If the DNA Science proves Israelis are NOT Semitic, the why doesn’t someone from the legal profession challenge the validity of the law? How can you be charged for Anti-semitism against someone who is not Semitic?

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