The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, June 7, 2024

By RBN June 7, 2024 14:23

Slattery, and callers!

Show Roadmap: Links will add over the weekend 🙏👍🙏

By RBN June 7, 2024 14:23
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  1. Blewitt June 7, 20:17

    A powerful vigilanti group of White Americans is destined to soon arise. Our 2nd Amendment gives us not only the right but the duty to employ violence against this obvious Jewish action to take over America — the action of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to flood the country with Venesuelians proves the Jewishness of this in American anti-White action.

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  2. Blewitt June 7, 20:26

    You Tube changes the word meaning “not American” which begins with the letter “u” to “in American”. Apparently this word beginning with “u” is forbidden.

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  3. Edward June 8, 04:14

    Usual superb stuff from these two.

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