The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, May 17, 2024

By RBN May 17, 2024 14:06

Rebroadcast of:
April 5, 2024

Joined by Patrick Slattery, Mark Dankof observes that GOP Governor Greg Abbott’s war on “Anti-Semitism” on Texas university campuses and the Republican Jewish Coalition alliance with AIPAC and the United Democracy Project in targeting ex-GOP Congressman John Hostettler, underscores the Tribe’s stranglehold on American foreign policy, domestic policy, the media, and the electoral political process.

Other topics include Israel’s latest crimes, Biden’s “Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility,” and a synopsis of the Russian military juggernaut’s advances in Donbass.

Show Roadmap:

By RBN May 17, 2024 14:06
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  1. Blewitt May 17, 20:30

    To advocate the killing of Jews is undoubtedly a crime in these days of Jewish power in the United States. But the act of hatred of the Jewish people is protected by the First Amendment, and wherever this is an authentic sentiment we should engage in it and promote it in speech and writing.

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    • bob88 May 17, 22:07

      If we admit what the jew,
      as a race, and a mafia cult,
      is actually doing,
      its justified self defense.

      And in addition to paying for the crimes they have already commited,
      people who have been killed,
      at least two world wars so far,
      that pretty much covers all of them.

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  2. Jack Brody May 21, 14:54

    “the Tribe’s stranglehold on American foreign policy, domestic policy, the media, and the electoral political process”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Dec. 1984):

    “They [Congress] have enslaved American taxpayers to the Jews’ Israel, and, although there are, no doubt, a few Americans who survive in the Congress by remaining silent on matters of prime importance, the Congress as a whole consists of Jews and shabbat goyim, and, for all practical purposes, it represents, not the American people who imagine they chose its members, but the international power that has occupied the country that the Americans did not have intelligence enough to keep for themselves.”

    Phil Tourney, survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty:

    “AIPAC, ADL run the show here, folks, no doubt about it; they buy off our congress with money, hookers, little boys; anything congress wants for their vote Israel will provide. Our congress is nothing more than a high-priced wh0rehouse. They are nothing more than streetwalkers, thieves in the night, and killers for hire.…”

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