The Flipside with Monika, August 10, 2024

By RBN August 10, 2024 20:05

The Flipside with Monika
2024 August 10
Episode 7: Shining the light on the dark allegation of Canada’s genocide at the Indian Residential Schools, and the so-called “mass graves”. We reverse engineer this story to better understand the creation of the “holocaust” narrative.

By RBN August 10, 2024 20:05
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  1. Halfjew August 11, 11:42

    I knew it was fake. This proves Yahweh is right again. He told you to leave none of the heathen who practice human sacrifice and sodómy alive. Yet you take the slander, blood libel and do nothing and wait for your turn to get wiped out. That’s why Yahweh will do to the whites what He meant to do to the savage heathens. Because your bleeding hearts make you think you are virtuous because of your bloody hearts. Yahweh told you to make evil bleed. But you can’t obey to a single Word.

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    • MaxxNY August 20, 09:30

      All the scalping came from the whites. In order to collect your Ransom you needed the black hair. This was King George in the 1600s. Europeans were playing with body parts just as much as the Jews were committing human sacrifice and it’s well documented and it goes on today. You are a Jew apologist. The only ones calling for eradication of the white race are Jews. As documented here –

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  2. Halfjew August 11, 11:59

    I’m so tired being part of your gay ass race. I wish I was part of the Tribe. Ironically the Jews are the only whites that might survive.

    Every one who slanders the white race with genocide is calling for white genocide and should have been immediately purged. Fuck you suicidal faggots

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    • MaxxNY August 20, 09:31

      I think the best thing that European race could do is hand out razor blades to the Jews. And tell them to take a hike.

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    • MaxxNY August 20, 09:32

      I think the best thing that European race could do is hand out razor blades to the Jews. And tell them to take a hike. You sound like that whack job who calls in and complains all the time. Cowards.

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    • tasji August 20, 18:01

      You are not white! A Jew is a mud white a colored

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  3. kati August 11, 18:17

    Questioning the holocaust is sacrilegious, while they downplay Dresden to officially 25K now and the Rheinwiesencamps to 5000 deaths, while the 19 Rheinwiesencamps had 30-45% yearly death rates a pre schooler can see this does not add up (Source James Bacque “Other losses” and “Crimes and Mercies” highly recommended reads

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  4. kati August 11, 18:24

    you know after ww2 about 5 million german civilians died to starvation, most in the “Hunger Winter” 1945/46 while there was no global food shortage, red cross and quakers and few others were all willing to donate food rations, the US Army even piled food ration at the camps with german pow but it was order to shoot anyone who gives food through the fence, there are at least 2 memorials where wifes got shot who wanted to give their husband food through the fence, it was all on purpose the starvation, the US could have avoided most of the 793K dead PoW and the around 5 million dead civilians, Roosevelt did that all on purpose with his Morgenthau buddy, even they said they stopped the plans, no they kept doing them(writes also James Baque with refering to Morgenthau writing an article in the 1948 NYT where he says it himself).

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  5. MaxxNY August 20, 09:27

    The school abuse here in America was highly abusive. If only Indians went to those residential schools, it only makes sense the graves are Indian Graves. Why would there be Graves of children?
    These are government schools. They were designed to get the Indians out of the way. There was abuse at these residential schools. I’ve been looking into it. There was definitely abuse at the Catholic schools in America and probably other schools. Indians who go along with this don’t see the better option.

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