The Flipside with Monika, November 16, 2024

By RBN November 16, 2024 20:00

Episode 20: With guest Kathleen Dudley, we discuss Fascism – what is it actually?

Kathleen also talks about her deep dive into great Russian writers, in particular, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn.

By RBN November 16, 2024 20:00
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  1. KD November 17, 01:36

    I had just otten Solzhenitsyn’s book earlier today and was so surprised to hear you and Kathleen discussing it…some things simply cannot be explained as coincidence!

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  2. katana17 November 20, 04:20

    [The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript]

    [In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with Kathleen Dudley.

    Key points include:

    The host Monica Schaeffer introduces her guest Kathleen Dudley, a Canadian-born American citizen living in New Mexico (0:00-2:00)

    Kathleen is described as “a poet, a singer, a healer, musician… a writer” with many talents (30:00)

    They discuss the misuse of the term “fascist” as a weaponized label (3:00-5:00)

    Kathleen explains fascism means “nationalizing” and “control of a nation by its nationals” (7:00-8:00)

    Adrian Arcand, a Canadian fascist politician, is discussed as explaining fascism clearly (9:00-11:00)

    Fascism is described as affirming tradition, high culture, God, family, and free enterprise (12:00-14:00)

    Communism is portrayed as the opposite of fascism, denying God, freedom, and private property (14:00-15:00)

    “Fascism is basically nationalism” and is demonized by those opposed to ethnic loyalty (16:00-17:00)

    Adrian Arcand spent 6 years in a Canadian concentration camp during WWII (20:00-21:00)

    Ezra Pound is mentioned as an American poet who supported fascism in Italy (23:00-24:00)

    Kathleen suggests embracing the term “fascist” positively: “Thank you, I’m a fascist” (32:00-33:00)

    They discuss how weaponized language is used to manipulate people’s emotions (34:00-36:00)

    Kathleen has been deeply reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s works, especially “The Gulag Archipelago” (40:00-45:00)

    Solzhenitsyn’s experiences in Soviet gulags and his method of memorizing his writings are described (45:00-47:00)

    “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is mentioned as Solzhenitsyn’s first published work (48:00-49:00)

    The publication of “The Gulag Archipelago” led to Solzhenitsyn’s exile from the Soviet Union (50:00-51:00)

    Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard speech warning of “communist aggression and the weakening of the moral fiber of the West” is recommended (52:00-53:00)

    Kathleen received Solzhenitsyn’s book “200 Years Together” about “the Jewish problem in Russia” (55:00-56:00)

    A caller mentions a 1944 letter about distracting public attention from “the doings of the Red Army” (57:00-58:00)

    – KATANA]

    [TRANSCRIPT – Words: 7,737 – Duration: 60 mins]

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