The Flipside with Monika, November 2, 2024

By RBN November 2, 2024 20:03

Episode 18: Return guest Jürgen Neumann. We continue our discussion about Ernst Zündel’s legal battles during the 1980s and 1990s while he was exposing the Big Lie, that holy cause “THE” holocaust.

By RBN November 2, 2024 20:03
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  1. Blewitt November 2, 22:38

    It was not hydrogen cyanide itself that was looked for but a compound resulting from a reaction of hydrogen cyanide with iron that exists in bricks and mortar, which compound is extremely stable and will not deteriorate for many, many years.

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    • Blewitt November 2, 23:33

      The Jews destroyed Leuchrer’s business, which provided the money he lived off, in response to his testimony at the Zundel trial. Leuchter’s business was to build various kinds of execution equipment, including plans for a gas chamber for one prison, for prisons throughout the United States that executed prisoners. The Jews contacted all the prisons that did business with Leuchter and persuaded them to cut ties with Leuchter. Leuchter was also charged with the crime of practicing engineering without a degree in engineering (he had a bachelor’s degree in history, not engineering — which was irrelevant for the man was an inventor, not an engineer). A lawyer freed Leuchter from this charge, but Leuchter eventually became embittered because he felt the right-wing people who persuaded him to produce his Holocaust-denying evidence must have known that the Jews would respond by destroying his execution hardware business.

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  2. kati November 3, 09:05

    Someone edited all parts of the german holocaust into one big video, 15,5 hours i listened it sure 10 times by now, downloaded it so i got it local, one day its gone from the archive
    here is one of the better Zuendel archives of all his samisdat

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  3. kati November 3, 09:17

    I have to thanks Mr Neumann thanks to him i listened to all interviews i could find, Ernst Zuendel was very wholesome and he would be a good leader if they let him, my favorite interview is this 3h40m long one, its very good—261—The-Ultimate-Interview-with-Ernst-Zundel—full—July-21st-1999:9

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  4. kati November 3, 09:24

    Mr Neumanns bitchute channel is blocked here in germany, Operas buildin vpn is already enough to watch the videos here in germany, really good collection and videos he has there

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  5. kati November 3, 09:35

    Grüße aus Deutschland, sicher sind hier deutschsprachige Zuhörer.

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  6. katana17 November 9, 02:22

    [The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript]

    [In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks again with Jürgen Neumann and his time working with Ernst Zündel, the famous Canadian-German revisionist.

    Key points include:

    • Guest is Jürgen Neumann, Ernst Zundel’s former videographer (1:30)

    • Discussion of recent Canadian report on alleged “mass graves” at residential schools (2:00)

    • Criticism of efforts to criminalize “residential school denialism” in Canada (4:00)

    • Recap of previous episode about Ernst Zundel’s work challenging Holocaust narrative (7:00)

    • Ernst Zundel found guilty in 1985 trial but verdict overturned on appeal in 1987 (15:00)

    • New trial ordered in 1988, lasting 4 months (18:00)

    • Fred Leuchter brought in as expert witness on gas chambers (20:00)

    • “Fred Leuchter said, ‘This is BS'” upon seeing alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz (25:00)

    • Leuchter Report not allowed to be shown to jury, only entered as “lettered exhibit” (28:00)

    • David Irving changed his views on Holocaust during testimony (35:00)

    • Ernst Zundel found guilty again but the law “spreading false news” ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1992 (40:00)

    • “The Supreme Court basically said that he had the right as a minority to say whatever he want, even if it was false” (45:00)

    • Zundel charged under Human Rights Commission where “truth is no defense” (46:00)

    • Zundel moved to US but arrested and deported back to Canada after 9/11 (48:00)

    • Spent years in solitary confinement in Canada before deportation to Germany (49:00)

    • Served 5 years in prison in Germany (49:30)

    • Jürgen Neumann has a Bitchute channel “JohnRobinson101” with historic footage (50:00)

    • Also has book archive at under the name “Researcher-PDF” (50:30)

    – KATANA]

    [TRANSCRIPT – Words: 8,235 – Duration: 60 mins]

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    • Monika November 9, 12:53

      Thank you once again, Katana, for all your fantastic work to preserve these interviews in a written form!

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