The John Moore Show, August 14, 2024 Hour 3

By RBN August 14, 2024 10:00

John has William J. Federer for the first hour…Prof. McCanney for the second hour…Jeffrey Nyquist for the third hour. Prepper Tip: Read FM-31-20 1965 Edition Special Forces Operational Techniques.

By RBN August 14, 2024 10:00
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  1. D August 14, 21:35

    The Protocols and Golitsyn: Cliff Kincaid’s ignorance of the true nature of Communism
    Posted on March 15, 2024

    Author Cliff Kincaid at a lecture.
    By Timothy Fitzpatrick
    March 14, 2024 Anno Domini

    “Marxism-Leninism prepared us for Kabbalah” —Rabbi Michael Laitman

    The mainstream anti-Communist movement continues to flounder despite the overwhelming amount of information that spells out exactly what Communism is and where it wants to go.

    In anti-Communist author Cliff Kincaid’s recent article, The Pro-Russian Conservatives, he scolds one of his readers for saying it’s the Jews, not Russia or China.

    “…the message from a ‘reader’ concerned that my attacks on Russia and China have gone too far and miss the point about the real cabal behind world events. He blames the Jews.…He advised me to get my hands on the book The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion because it would ‘change your attitude on right/left China/Russia narrative’.”

    Both Kincaid and his reader are missing a correct analysis of the facts. It is the Jews…who dominate Russia and China today and use those world powers to carry out their Kabbalistic-dialectical Communist offensive to achieve world government and the ushering in of their Chabad-procured false messiah.

    As the above quote by Russian-Israeli rabbi Michael Laitman shows, the Communist conspiracy is kabbalistic in nature—materialist atheism only being a tactical phase within in its long-range plan. Even Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in his warnings to the world placed a special emphasis on the dialectical nature of this conspiracy without calling it kabbalistic. But in some way, he knew that that is what it was. He just couldn’t say it. Yet anti-Communists like Cliff Kincaid and J.R. Nyquist—who portray themselves as loyal students of Golitsyn’s warnings—fail to reach this obvious conclusion. Worse, they may be gatekeeping the anti-Communist movement to keep it from discovering the Jewishness of Communism, like the American Jewish League Against Communism did during the official Cold War.

    Most of the Communists and many of the Anti-Communists are on the same payroll, the Jewish payroll. They carry on a sham battle with each other.The first basic rule of this sham battle is:“Never drag any real truth into the matter on either side; tell anything else you want to tell, but never tell the truth.” This is the basic background of most of the phony “experts” on Communism who have been “experting” about it for forty years and haven’t made a dent in it. —Judas Goats, Michael Collins Piper, 2006

    An honest reading and interpretation of all the best information; Golitsyn’s works, Ion Mihai Pacepa’s works, as well as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion should give a clear indication of what exactly is going on. Communism is the primary theme in the Protocols of Zion, yet anti-Communists like Kincaid pay no attention to it, as if the Protocols have no insight to offer. Instead, he just refers to them as a useless forgery cooked up by Jew haters just trying to muddy the waters.

    Golitsyn was spot on in his analysis of Communism without having to name the Jew. Golitsyn’s warnings could perhaps better preface the Protocols of Zion than did Henry Ford’s. Pacepa understood that a degree of Soviet-sponsored anti-Semitism was permitted merely as a means to an end (turning the Islamic and Leftist worlds against the West, as per Operation SIG) but didn’t necessarily mean that the KGB was inherently anti-Semitic or pursuing an anti-Semitic strategy (see The Fraud of Soviet Anti-Semitism). Whether Pacepa was deliberately trying to obscure the Jewish role behind Communism is unclear. The Soviet system is highly compartmentalized, and Pacepa likely was not in a position to know that the Chassids were running the Central Committee and the COMINTERN from some rotten synagogue in Leningrad. Golitsyn’s revelations hinted at it, and his emphasis on the Leninist dialectical method could lead any honest reader to make the connection to the Kabbalah. The Leninist dialectical method is the Zohar (Kabbalah, or Jewish magic). This is now without question. The disproportionate number of Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution now makes more sense, as does the disproportionate number of Jews among the elite of the crypto-Soviet Putinist Russian Federation today.

    Kincaid goes on,


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