The John Moore Show, October 22, 2024 Hour 3

By RBN October 22, 2024 10:59

John has Steven Ben-Nun join to discuss LifeWave X39 patches for the first hour…Steven Ben-Nun (second hour only) and Dave Hodges join The Tuesday Roundtable for the second and third hour. Prepper Tip:  Stock up on paper products.

By RBN October 22, 2024 10:59
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  1. Dave October 22, 12:13

    These are my comments on today’s show.
    Hodges has some amazing Intel at times. And many times he has cried Wolf when there was no wolf materializing, although the stage may be set for something to happen.
    The whole mentality here is simply off base.
    Let me just quote one verse of scripture to start with.

    Eccl 9:11
    I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the strong, and neither is bread to the wise nor riches to those of intelligence and understanding nor favor to men of ability; but time and chance overtake them all. [Ps 33:16-19; Rom 9:16]

    In his closing comments, Hodges states that the other side will be surprised at our resolve. (Of the ‘American people).

    This is extremely foolish talk. The NWO forces know ‘exactly’ our response via AI & the global model of the world using computers in AI to forecast the battlefield. It’s like the game of risk that we played when we were kids.

    All these blind guys like him have no idea what they are up against. It says in Scripture “who can stand against the beast” (paraphrased).

    All that Hodges is doing is promoting their agenda by feeding the right constitutionalist side who don’t even realize they’ve been fooled into unconstitutional US citizenship via the 14th amendment and are thus by their own claims “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” reflected in the 14th amendment which was never ratified. That’s all a corporate entity, a corporate fiction as people call it. It’s simply demonic governmental control for “the whole world system lies in the lap of the wicked one”. Bill Deagle said “he has the property rights to the Earth.” I can’t verify that but Deagle also spoke about the global project where each person is a node and they can predict and they can shift and control events that materialize. It’s a very great thing very powerful and I’d love to be involved in it except it’s doing very wicked things. But is it brilliant and quantitative and highly interested to a chemist person like me.

    What people who talk like this are doing is feeding one portion of the agenda, one force. This is a vector which is gaining strength and congealing or vulcanizing. That force will be identified and crushed. There are other ways to deal with these types of problems. And those other ways are the only ways that work. Read your Bible:

    Eccl 9:11, above

    There was a very fierce battle that day, and Abner and the men of Israel were beaten before the servants of David. 2 Sam 2:17

    A thousand of you will flee at the threat of one man; You will flee at the threat of five, Until you are left like a flag on the top of a mountain, And like a signal on a hill.
    Isa 30:17

    Unfortunately or fortunately (as Trump said about elite mens’ privileges: grabbing women in the p….). This whole thing appears to me materializing much like the prophetess celestial stated which I told you about sometime after she issued it in October of 2022. The prophecy was titled “two more good years”. I’m not saying that she is a prophetess of God because that is in great question but there are other sources that give us information sometimes. What Armstrong predicted in his recent article that Steve O’Neil had put out a couple weeks ago was that his Socrates program was predicting “post-election violence resulting in the end of the United States”. Her prophecy was civil War which would result in the end of the United States by overthrow from invading Russian and I think Chinese forces it would be a sudden invasion of the Russians on foot apparently. I have no idea whether things will go that way and I realize some of her prophecies either haven’t been realized or didn’t materialize exactly in the way she said. So I suspect she is a seer that is not really of God and maybe using remote viewing or something maybe even fed by the CIA indirectly and she doesn’t know it. I have no clue but her prophecy lines extremely well up with what both Armstrong is stating and what Dave Hodges is revealing and what events are occurring.
    But others who look at things expect nothing to happen in this election just like it never does. It just doesn’t look that way.

    Also I find it very infantile to think in the way Hodges and callers talk about what’s going to happen. Like they’re going to come to get us, you know! Listen,…. this is a very complicated plan and there are many ways to gradually enforce this thing: the New World order. It has been done in a stealth mode (initially) through lawfare and all kinds of other things going on and as resistance comes up then those groups will be hit and some other people will be taken out as well and they won’t really tell you about it all. But it’s a gradual squeeze process kind of like being on an elevator in the walls keep pushing in – all you can do is get out the top. That means you have to look up and look up for your redemption draws nigh.

    But to think that your guns are going to save you: it don’t work like that. As Bill Deagel also said they want a shooting War. That’s what you guys are willing to do and you’re falling right into the trap. Bill Deagle was very brilliant; he may have done some things wrong or harmed people medically but we take what we can from sources that are superior to us. Everyone has their faults and everyone has done wrong that doesn’t mean that their messages are all wrong.

    You always said it was your spiritual belief and faith that’s going to help people. And you know that from military experiences and fox holes etc. so, please consider this additional scripture (And I’m glad you appreciate what I told you and can grasp it/accept it. My father was a minister and I’m just trying to direct people in the right direction. )

    Rev 3:11-12
    Behold I come quickly
    Hold fast what you have
    So that no man takes your crown

    Rev 22 (11 etc)
    Let him who is unjust beyond just
    He did his filthy let him be filthy still

    This is saying that we should be focusing on knowing the word of God and as Hodges stated the churches will be eliminated on the surface and the Bible will be eliminated as well because it’s not “woken up”. We have to hide God’s word in our heart. That’s part of the formula. Getting close to God is knowing what he said and having the Spirit speak to you and tell you what he said or what he is saying even now.

    And why have we been talking about biden’s earlobe, whether viruses exist (when they obviously have 104 Crystal structures done on crystallized purified viruses), Or masks (even though they’re symbolically evil with respect to the breath of Life, certain ones are designed to capture particles smaller than the pore size due to the forces and structure, but also restrict oxygen intake – they are a choice: use them when you need them).

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