The Republic Renegade Round Table w/ The Rebel and the Renegade, January 14, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN January 14, 2024 23:34
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  1. Kati January 15, 12:52

    People are too blind to see what Trump is, just an actor in the polit circus, in the 2 party illusion, besides Donalds daughter and son in law are jewish, hish grand children are jewish, sure the jewish heritage will always come first for him. One of the big zionists in the US and with one leg now in the “jew club” guess we called it crypto-jew

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  2. Kati January 15, 13:03

    whole salve debate is a farce when you never name who owned the ships who profited of the slaves, 98% of all slaves shipped to north america went to the plantages which were also owned by jews, the slave markets closed on saturday, sabbat, is it so hard to acknowledge it was not the whites driving the slave market but purely the jews, they are missing like always all morals and ethics to enable this human trade.

    Maybe you read too much in the Scofield bible.

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  3. Kati January 15, 13:20

    Just imagine without jews the USA would be maybe still 90%+ white because there never was such giant human trafficking, christian values do not really boost these, jews formed the US from the early years with this african human trafficking, and sure they went further and weaponized these blacks against the white to stand there as laughing 3rd.

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