The Republic Renegade Round Table w/ The Rebel and the Renegade, November 10, 2024

By RBN November 10, 2024 21:38
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  1. kati November 11, 07:05

    Eisenhower was responsible for the “german holocaust” paired with Morgenthau he is responsible for ca 9 million dead 1945-48 to starvation while there was no global food shortage, help got held back.
    Source James Baque “Other Losses” and “Crimes and Mercies” also good is Ernst Zuendels german holocaust series.
    red army/sowjets are maybe for about 450k german dead responsible, but the US tops this by far, sure this is all silenced in germany, the deaths of the Rheinwiesencamps are downplayed to a laughable 6000

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