The Scorpio International Holding Company LLC with Scorpio, December 3, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN December 3, 2023 19:13
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  1. Bob88 December 4, 06:15

    Dont forget dubya and obama holding hands onstage and bailing out wallstreet together. While OWS obama voters march around in the streets playing victim about it. The jew has NO PROBLEM, playing victim about its own crimes. THAT is PART of the crime. Playing victim about it at the same time, while they do it, makes you think that it must be somebody else doing it. jews for peace invading the capital, is supposed to make you think that yahu must be a “different” jew. But jews marching around in the streets, has never stopped jewish crimes. Fake christians and liberal criminals, always come together when it comes to that. Fake democrats fighting with fake republicans, is the same difference as a jew playing victim about jewish crime. They’ll accuse dubya of lying to them later, after the crime is already committed and cant be undone.

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