The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 17, 2018

By RBN April 17, 2018 21:00

Help is coming to the first Patriot President of our lifetimes from an expected source, Breitbart, as well as from an unexpected source, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In today’s Trump Phenomenon show, April 17, 2018, we cover Breitbart’s outstanding research into the ways in which Never Trumper staffers, with KEY ability to wreck the Trump agenda, have insinuated themselves around Donald Trump. By outing them Breitbart is helping to get rid of them. Excellent. Unexpected very good help comes from someone you would think of as a liberal, Alan Dershowitz, in his extremely authoritative and strongly proffered advice: “Jeff Sessions never needed to recuse himself from anything. Jeff Sessions must un-recuse himself NOW. And the newest Never Trumper threat is the most dangerous, that being the police state theft of Donald Trump’s personal attorneys every record.” Those are all my words, not Dershowitz’s, but they are a paraphrase of what Dershowitz is saying consistently.

By RBN April 17, 2018 21:00

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