The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 6, 2020

By RBN April 6, 2020 20:59

Donald Trump’s power to bring us miracles continues unabated, today April 6, 2020. He just survived, miraculously, the puke left’s latest fanatical all-out campaign to destroy him. That campaign is not the Corona Virus. That’s a real flu. The campaign is the Corona Virus Freakout, the Corona Virus Hysteria, the Corona Virus lockdown and destruction of our economy and of our freedoms. Our miraculous Orange Man has not only survived this campaign of hysteria and destruction….there’s an excellent chance that he is going to make the whole thing BOOMERANG on our enemies. Just as we were able to foresee, even as a total amateur, on this show that this virus was NOT an invasion from Mars deserving of mass hysteria, but instead a regular flu who’s graph showed it rising in severity in EVERY country for 17 days, and thereafter quickly going away. Just like every other flu in our lifetimes before it. Well, good news folks, we just passed the 17 day point. And the flu is now receding! So much for the 200,000 dead Americans scaremogering of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx! Instead we’ve got 11,000 dead people, at the peak of the flu, and we also learn yesterday that the CDC has actually issued secret directives to all hospitals to OVER-REPORT deaths by “coding” everyone who dies “with Corona virus” as having instead “died OF Corona virus”! Folks, that means that the death reports due to Corona virus are certain to be hugely exaggerated. This was confirmed, to a certainty, by this week’s statement by Dr. Walter Ricciardi, the TOP science advisor to the HEAD of the Italian Health Ministry that “only 12% of the deaths reported in Italy are actually due to the Corona virus. The other 88% of the deaths reported as due to Corona virus are deaths due to other causes like diabetes, COPD, cancer, etc. of people who ALSO had the flu.” Wow! Talk about letting the cat out of the bag!

By RBN April 6, 2020 20:59

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