The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, August 1, 2024

By RBN August 1, 2024 21:18

Who will Kamala Iyer (that’s her middle name on her birth certificate) Harris name as the non-democratically picked CPUSA vice presidential candidate? Here on August 1, 2024 she has only a few days left in which to make up her mind. Or is it not up to her actually at all? The good news is that all of the talked-about prospects are losers like herself. Are we so far down the rathole that she could actually be “elected” to be Commander-in-Chief in less than 100 days? Whoever she (or whomever) picks, that fellow traveler is sure to be shredded in debates and rallies by James David Vance.

By RBN August 1, 2024 21:18
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