The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, August 16, 2019

By RBN August 16, 2019 20:59

Here on August 16, 2019, more good news on the meltdown of the “socialists, is it communists?” (said Trump in Manchester yesterday!). Biden’s handlers are trying to get him to shut up and avoid microphones! Pocohontas appears to be taking away support from Sanders. Great! It’s looking like a real ugly fight coming up between a self-destroying Joe Biden who even Obama doesn’t want to run, and a loony Pocahontas, who I’m guessing will get more support from the sinking Sanders, Harris, Beto, Buttigieg, Booker, and Williamson ships than will Biden. Meaning a standoff that might go to a brokered DemonRat convention shortly before the election. Let us sincerely hope for this catfight among the DemonRats to go on as long as possible.

By RBN August 16, 2019 20:59

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