The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, August 7, 2019

By RBN August 7, 2019 20:59

How does one lone man do all that Donald Trump does? It’s impossible….but he has done it every single day since he came down the escalator with Melania on….was it June 17, 2015? Four plus years as of today, August 7, 2019. Today, the President’s messages (tweets) to us were astounding. He let Shephard Smith have it in the kisser. He let the Federal Reserve governors (“incompetence is painful to watch”) have it in the kisser. He and Melania were magnificent in their towering character as they listened to folks in Dayton and El Paso today. Indeed, it’s the beautiful character of our President that today drove the Deep Staters into their worst frenzy of Trump Derangement Syndrome yet. Mika Brzhinski screeching that Donald Trump, who truly DOES represent the 63,000,000 patriotic Americans who voted for him….instead represents the microscopically tiny (maybe 5,000 people?) white nationalist (if truthfully labelled it would be identified as the white national socialist) movement. Trump has how much to do with folks who admire Hitler? How about ZERO percent! Brzhinski (is that how her name is spelled?) KNOWS that Trump has ZERO to do with the otherwise (unless she and her buddies parade them) invisible Hitler crowd. It’s HER JOB as an operative of the leftist borg to FABRICATE A CONNECTION from whole cloth. The left is terrified that a courageous and brilliant leader who HATES Hitler (and associated things) has successfully built the movement of Europeans defending their people IN SPITE of the left’s three-quarters-of-century-old script of preventing normal White folks from building their own movement in their own defense by tarring and feathering any such notion with an entirely faked association with the most hated man in history, the man their fathers and grandfathers fought and died to stop.

By RBN August 7, 2019 20:59

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