The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, December 21, 2022

By RBN December 21, 2022 21:00

We all got to gag today, December 21, 2022, if you were one of us who watched both houses of Congress pathetically grovel at the feet of the war criminal Zelensky, holding forth at the podium in his drab green sweatshirt! The entire Republican and Democrat sides of the aisle didn’t just applaud this totally corrupt petty tyrant who dreams of starting nuclear war, no they wildly jumped to their feet. Sometimes jumping up, all together like trained monkeys, several times in a single sentence! If I have the stomach for it later, after I ice down my forehead, I might watch the whole disgusting clown show again in order to count just how many standing ovations this former porn comedian got.

By RBN December 21, 2022 21:00
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1 Comment

  1. Kendra Blewitt December 22, 10:30

    I voted for Trump twice, and I will vote for him again.

    Trump is a nationalist. That is what is right about him. The Chosenites want to eliminate the nations. They want world government, which they rule. They are against Trump because he believes in nations and their sovereignty.

    Trump is cozy with the Chosenites and he has promoted the “vaccine.” That is what is wrong with him.

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