The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 22, 2018

By RBN February 22, 2018 21:00

On Feb. 22, 2018 The Trump Phenomenon brings you the highlight of the opening day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which was the 10-minute speech of the beautiful 28-year-old French Phenomenon, Marion Marechal-LePen. Her enthusiasm, and that of her largest-party-in-France Front National, for the Trump revolution proves that Europeans in EVERY European country, from America, to Canada, to Australia, to Europe are FINALLY dedicated to Making (fill in their country) Great Again! In tomorrow’s show we can’t wait to bring you the reactions to the two biggest speeches of CPAC: Donald Trump and Jeanine Pirro. Be there or be square.

By RBN February 22, 2018 21:00

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