The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 28, 2024

By RBN February 28, 2024 21:13

As of tonight, Feb. 28, 2024, President Trump’s Trump Train is barreling ahead of the pathetic Nikki Haley. Trump has 122 Republican convention delegates, to Haley’s 24. Included for Trump are 47 of 50 delegates from Haley’s home state of South Carolina. It only gets worse for Bird Brain from here on out, even though in every primary fanatical Democrats comprise a the bulk of her paltry showing. How addled must one be to keep on running for the Republican nomination with largely Democrat votes fueled by Democrat fat-cat donors! 10,000 of America’s top MAGA activists roared their approval as the largest CPAC crowd ever. Imagine the reception Nikki Haley would have gotten if she had stepped onto the same stage! One wishes she would have done that, giving us an epic laugh. Trump has now won almost unanimously, among actual Republicans, in 6 States: Iowa, New Hampshire, Virgin Islands, Nevada, South Carolina, and Michigan. Super Tuesday is less than a week away.

By RBN February 28, 2024 21:13
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