The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 3, 2025

By RBN February 3, 2025 21:40

We may right now be seeing The Memory Hole in full CYA on Feb. 3, 2025. The sucking sound we’re hearing appears to be the sound of ALL of Captain Rebecca Lobach’s photos, messages, and social media posts VANISHING. Including the thousands of photos of Captain Lobach in full uniform escorting Democrat “VIPs” at what her own family describes as “countless” Joe Biden Woke medal and honor ceremonies in the White House. Also the sound of the multiple Army recordings from within the Blackhawk helicopter she was flying at twice it’s strictly restricted altitude. What were Staff Sergeant Ryan O’Hara, age 28, and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew Eaves. 39, saying as they watched Captain (!) Rebecca Lobach slam their large helicopter at full speed into the routinely landing side of an American Airlines jet. Lobach outranked the Staff Sergeant by 14 pay grades, and the Warrant Officer 2 by 6 pay grades. Lobach, who had never been deployed, was also a Certified Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention victim advocate (SHARP). Badly off course, right in the middle of an utterly restricted civilian airliner final landing approach. With unlimited visibility. Captain Lobach, had a paltry 450 hours in the pilot’s seat,, we are told by the woke Army officers who checked off on this completely optional training flight at night, wearing night goggles (with a 40 degree field of view), over water, going against stacked-up traffic, in the MOST crowded airspace in America! The American citizens who naively thought that DEI did not mean DIE are waiting attentively for the Army to announce imminent courts-martial.

By RBN February 3, 2025 21:40
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