The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 14, 2019

By RBN January 14, 2019 09:00

On January 13, 2019 we at The Trump Phenomenon are urging two things on our great leader: 1) Declare the National Emergency now, and start wall building immediately, and; 2) Do NOT do a DACA “deal” with the DemonRats. Why? Because DACA should stand for the Destroy America Chuckie Amnesty. The Democrat voters that Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty produced elected Obama in 2012. That is a certainty. A Chuckie Schumer amnesty, into which President Trump could get suckered, would dwarf Ronald Reagan’s catastrophic amnesty. Which, by the way, we were all promised would be the “final” and “last” amnesty. Right.

By RBN January 14, 2019 09:00

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