The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 15, 2025

By RBN January 15, 2025 21:09

I think I’m in love! Today, January 15, 2025, I came under the scintillating spell of the beautiful and brilliant Pam Bondi, Donald Trump’s pick for his Attorney General. Pam Bondi mopped the floor with the DemonRats at her Senate confirmation hearing! She let the dirtbags who inflicted Merrick Garland on America for the last four years have it in the kisser as these rats dared to look down their rodent-like snouts at their infinitely morally superior Pam Bondi.

By RBN January 15, 2025 21:09
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  1. deb February 2, 18:11

    Drumpf (yes his real surname which his paternal grandfather changed) is a selected, not elected, zionist p.o.s. He will never rid America of the real problem– the private corporation known as the ‘federal’ reserve. It’s neither federal nor has any reserves!

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