The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 16, 2023

By RBN January 16, 2023 20:59

What all real Republicans, including Donald Trump, have learned during the 2 years that the Communist Democrats had free reign with the Presidency, House, and Senate monopoly on power is that it’s time for “no more Mr. Niceguy”. The MAGA Republicans holding the short choker collar on Kevin McCarthy now, on January 16, 2023. have the chance to kick the Commie’s asses. People like Mayorkas and Garland, and all of them, need to face treason charges coming out of treason investigations. By the way, Congress has complete sovereignty over jails in the District of Criminals, so McCarthy and the MAGA Republicans should decree immediately that the D.C. Gulag be emptied of Jan. 6 political prisoners.

By RBN January 16, 2023 20:59
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