The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 5, 2020 Hour 2

By RBN January 5, 2020 17:26

January and February 2020 are looking awfully exciting for patriots here on January 5, 2020. Multiple huge Trump rallies, starting with Toledo, Ohio on Jan. 9, followed by Milwaukee on Jan. 14. Four DemonRat Dumpster Fire Debates in quick succession: Jan. 14 in Des Moines (before Iowa caucus), Feb. 7 in New Hampshire before that primary, Feb. 19 in Las Vegas before the Nevada primary, and then Feb. 25 in Charleston before the South Carolina primary. How much will Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer spend in these two months? Together they’ve already spent over 200 million dollars of their own money! What will Nervous Nancy do with her Impeachment Hoax hot potato? What will Nancy’s fellow Trump hating Mullah generals do with the hot potatoes that might have their names on them? Stay tuned.

By RBN January 5, 2020 17:26

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