The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 6, 2023

By RBN January 6, 2023 20:59

I just heard a talk today, Jan. 6, 2023, by a source that we patriots can trust, Scott Ritter, on something that has been carefully hidden from us for thirty years. That something is the Deep State’s all hands war to destroy the nation of Russia. Scott Ritter, famous in our history as an arms inspector who exposed the Deep State lies about “weapons of mass destruction”, points out that Vladimir Putin has been targeted for destruction by the Deep State for thirty years. We’re witnessing the lying about Russia and Putin now. We’re witnessing the milking of the American taxpayer to pour money and arms against Russia now. Cui bono? The CCP comes to mind. The Chinese Communist Party’s penetration of power in America would logically include a desire to antagonize the two greatest and largest European peoples on Earth against each other. Divide and conquer. Now, even worse than that, the CCP-infested American power cartel has forced Russia, and Putin, into dependence on Communist China for trade and credit avenues that have been nuked for Russia by what purports to be “America”.

By RBN January 6, 2023 20:59
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