The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 19, 2024

By RBN June 19, 2024 21:11

One of the principal beauties of the Trump campaign is that Donald Trump has been, as of today, June 19, 2024, for 8 years (!) consistently and continuously THE PEACE CANDIDATE and the PEACE PRESIDENT! Trump’s continuous championing of peace is now getting a strong echo from the real people of Europe. This week the Alternativ Fur Deutschland (AFP) gave Zelensky the digital salute by walking out of the Bundestag during the Ukrainian dictator’s anti’Russia speech pushing for World War III. In Belgium the Vlam’s Belang signaled the same. As did the Schwizerische Volkspartei (SVP). Also, the Rassemblement National (formerly Front National) of France told Macron to shove it as they beat the war-mongering French president soundly in the current election. The populist MAGA movement of Trump that is sweeping through the REAL Americans is concurrently sweeping through our real European cousins. Just as the DemonRats and RINO’s are being chased out of their control of the Deep State in America, so they are being chased out across Europe. And it appears that this wonderful cleaning out of the Augean Stables is happening just in time to avert the World War III that the globalist monsters so dementedly seek.

By RBN June 19, 2024 21:11
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