The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 24, 2024

By RBN June 24, 2024 21:00

President Trump made every current (and future) homeschooling parent jump for joy a few days ago at the Faith & Freedom Conference in Washington, D.C. Today, June 24, 2024, we play and replay the bit where he pledges his support to all homeschooling families. He even promises to help us homeschoolers get some help in paying our homeschooling bills. He appreciates that we are paying TWICE, once in our public school taxes, for schools we never set foot in, and then again for our homeschooling. And, as an aside, let me put in this plug for the beauties of homeschooling. Especially for the too-little-mentioned No. 1 beauty of teaching your own kids….which is….YOU GET TO BE WITH YOUR OWN KIDS, a whole lot more than if your children are in the clutches of the ever-more-Alinskyite horde of “teachers” for most of their waking hours. For thirteen YEARS by the time they turn 18!

By RBN June 24, 2024 21:00
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