The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 7, 2024

By RBN June 7, 2024 21:13

Did the Communist Obama-puppet Manchurian Candidate poop his pants today, June 7, 2024 at the sacred Normandy 80th Commemoration? This is not good….because we want Joe Biden to hang in there. America has caught on to the Manchurian Candidate. America is ready to give him and his CPUSA handlers a whopping defeat. Pooping his pants might be the cover that his handlers need to take him to the changing room, from whence they can bring out a totally new candidate, dealing somebody like Gavin Newscum, or Big Mike, or how about Oprah dealt from the bottom of the deck. America is primed for an election smackdown on Nov. 5, five very short months away.

By RBN June 7, 2024 21:13
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