The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 17, 2023

By RBN March 17, 2023 20:59

Some cheering news at showtime Friday, March 17, 2023, is that Ron DeSantis just struck out big time with the RINO’s and Democrats who constitute the core of his financing and support. How did he do this? By miscalculating just how much his Karl Rove, Jeb Bush, and George Soros supporters would have a total freakout if he were to admit, as he did, that “the war in Ukraine is a territorial dispute that is not in the vital interest of the United States”. Oops. That was too much truth for the Neocons. So, in trying to appeal to us MAGA folks who have had enough of RINO wars, DeSantis destroyed himself with the people giving him big bucks and big free publicity. Another cheering thing that we hadn’t noticed yet is in the story today in the leftwing Daily Beast (online Washington Post) that delves candidly into DeSantis’ campaign persona….which turns out to be “a stick in the mud”. The Daily Beast encapsulates this in a Bill Maher dig at DeSantis: “personality can be a help, if you have one.”

By RBN March 17, 2023 20:59
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